What is Functional Mobility Training?

You’ve probably heard of functional training and mobility training. But what is functional mobility training? For the most part, it’s exactly what it sounds like. A combination style training that combines functional and mobility exercises.

To better understand what this actually means we first need to understand what the difference is between function and mobility.

Functional Training

Functional training consists of any exercises that resemble movements that occur in daily life. For example, step ups train our ability to walk up stairs.


Mobility Training

Mobility training is any kind of exercise that works to increase our mobility, flexibility, or range of motion. For example, yoga or dynamic stretching.

Functional Mobility Training

Functional mobility training combines the daily motions of functional training with the range of motion of mobility training. This combination allows a person at any level of fitness to improve the efficiency of their movement and feel better in their body. At ShadowOfaDancer we utilize the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® methods to provide this type of training to Palo Alto and the surrounding area. If you would like to try out a session with us but have some questions, you can book a free new client consultation. I’d love to hear from you!


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