"What is GYROTONIC®?" is another question I get asked a lot. 
The official definition is...
"The Gyrotonic method is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength. Gyrotonic exercise sequences are composed of spiraling, circular movements which flow together seamlessly in rhythmic repetitions with corresponding breath patterns. Each movement flows into the next allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.
This method is practiced on specialized equipment to support the body during movement. The equipment can be adapted to the ideal setting for each person’s unique physique. Adapting for things such as height, arm and leg length, natural range of motion and physical ability." 

Just like in my blog "What is GYROKINESIS®?", I will try to answer this in simpler terms. 

As with Gyrokinesis, the Gyrotonic method also creates better awareness of the body and builds up the functional motions that happen in everyday life. The biggest difference between the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methods is the use of equipment, which has been specially designed for the method. 

With the equipment the body is provided with more support and/or challenge depending on its needs. This can allow for faster results when trying improve skeletal alignment and movement technique in other activities.

Another thing that makes the Gyrotonic method so special is the equipment's ability to accommodate any body. Everyone's proportions and ranges of motion are different. Age, movement background, and injuries also make a difference in what an individual is currently capable of and how they have to approach reaching their movement and wellness goals. An experienced trainer can analyze your body's alignment, movement patterns, and any injuries to design a program that will keep you progressing at an appropriate rate for you. 

I hope the helps answer the question "What is GYROTONIC®?". If you would like to try it out for yourself you can book your own private session online by clicking the book now button below.


GYROTONIC® Principles in Everyday Life
